Thursday 24 March 2011


This week it’s Climate Week, a chance for us all to demonstrate the positive actions we are taking to help combat the effects of climate change (see for more information).

I imagine that many of you like to consider how you can do your bit just by going about your day-to-day activities so I thought you might be interested to see how you are inadvertently helping just by buying from Celtic Sheepskin!

You might already know that looking after our environment is very much at the forefront of everything we do. We are fortunate to live and work in a beautiful part of the country and we want to keep it like this! (By the way, if you’re ever in Cornwall, you should drop by and visit us, we’re only 5 minutes from the sea!)

So here are four ways in which we help...

1. Recycling

For starters, we recycle pretty much EVERYTHING! Every last bit of paper and cardboard and even our ink cartridges and batteries are reused or recycled.
Of course, our sheepskin itself is an example of recycling at its finest!

We insist that all the sheepskin we use is a by-product of the meat industry so you can be assured that the gorgeous sheepskin keeping your arms, feet or head warm was sourced in an ethically-minded way and that nothing has gone to waste.

In the factory, our craftspeople have a real knack for making as much as possible from every bit of sheepskin and very little ends up left over! So one sheepskin could make a pair of adult boots and a pair of kids’ boots!

2. Campaign for Wool

As well as being sheepskin enthusiasts, we are also passionate supporters of the Campaign for Wool, an initiative supported by HRH The Prince of Wales. As a natural fibre, wool has far superior qualities to synthetic alternatives and it is so much better for the environment.

As you can imagine, we love wool here at Celtic Sheepskin! As well as the sumptuously soft Geelong, Merino and Shetland wools, we also source speciality wool fibres such as Alpaca, Cashmere and Mohair which are used in many of our garments, that’s a lot of different breeds and each has their own qualities!

Here are some facts about wool…

I could yarn on (sorry!) all day about the benefits of wool but perhaps the most pertinent for today’s blog is that it is renewable and sustainable; the animal simply grows another fleece! And if you have bought any of our wool garments, you will know that they will last you a long time (much longer than garments made from synthetics), meaning you won’t need to buy replacements as quickly.

3. Resole & Repair Service

While I’m on the subject of easing the landfill issue, I must highlight our fabulous resole and repair service

When your Celtic Sheepskin boots finally start to look like they have seen better days (and it does take quite some time!), we can give them a new lease of life! I had my Classic boots resoled recently and they honestly felt like new boots when I put them on afterwards, all snug and fluffy again!

4. Carbon-Neutral Delivery

Finally, when it comes to delivering your Celtic goodies, we give you the option to choose Parcel Force’s Carbon Neutral delivery service. This is part of a carbon offset scheme so Parcel Force have an agreement with the Woodland Trust and they offset carbon emissions by planting trees!

So there you go; A little insight into how we work to help alleviate the effects of climate change. Our efforts have even been recognised by the award of the ISO:14001 certification, indicating that we work to a series of standards for designing and implementing environmental management systems (we are very proud of this!).

Whatever you’re doing for Climate Week, doesn’t it feel good to know that by buying from Celtic Sheepskin you’re helping the environment too?

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